Challah is the special bread that we eat on shabbat! It is a braid made out of three strands and it represents unity and connection within the family and within the Jewish community! Before we eat the challah a special blessing called the hamotzi is said and it thanks God for giving us this bread! Challah is one of the most important parts of the shabbat meal and brings it all together.
Story Time!
Once Shabbat upon a time Gabby's favorite part of preparing for Shabbat was helping her mom braid the challah. One shabbat as they were preparing the challah, Gabby's mom explained the significance of each braid and how they all work together to show unity: the first strand represents the soul, the second strand represents the body, and the third strand represents shabbat itself! As Gabby carefully put together the dough, needing it with all her might, she felt like she was bringing together the different feelings of shabbat. Once the challah was baked, they put it on the table, covered it, and all enjoyed and prayed over it!
Make the Dough
Start by making the challah dough using flour, water, eggs, sugar, and yeast. Let it rise so it becomes fluffy and ready to braid
Braid the Challah
Divide the dough into three or more strands and braid them together. This symbolizes unity and connection.
Say the Hamotzi
Before eating the challah, say the Hamotzi blessing:
“Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu Melech ha’olam, hamotzi lechem min ha'aretz.”
Eat the Challah
After the blessing, break or slice the challah and share it with everyone at the table. Enjoy its sweetness and the feeling of Shabbat unity.
Parent Educator Guide
This parent educator guide offers helpful tips and tricks which will help you and your child get the best experience out of this site. You will find practicsl and easy to follow advice on pacing, sensory adjustments, and tips to engage your child in a meaningful learning experience.