The Shema is one of the most important prayers us as Jews have! This prayer connects us to God since in it we declare only one belief in God and also we are reminded to love God with all our heart, soul, and strength. it is also often the first prayer that children learn and they can say it at night and in the morning.
Story Time!
Leo was very excited because today his parents were finally going to teach him the Shema - Leo knew that this prayer was very special and would soon be an important part of his life! His dad explained that the Shema is special since it reminded us to always love God and to always remember that there is only one God. They sat together and together sang the Shema! Leo practiced it till he got the hang of it and then later at night before he went to bed, Leo whispered the Shema knowing that this special prayer can connect him to his family, God, and his culture!
Learn the words
The first step is learning the words of the Shema: “Shema Yisrael, Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Echad.” This means “Hear, O Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is One.”
Say the Shema
The Shema is traditionally said in the morning and at bedtime. Reciting it helps us start and end our day with a connection to God.
Cover Your Eyes
When saying the first line of the Shema, many people cover their eyes to focus on the words and their meaning.
Love God
After the Shema, remember that the prayer tells us to love God with all our heart, soul, and strength. This helps guide us to live with kindness and faith.
Parent Educator Guide
This parent educator guide offers helpful tips and tricks which will help you and your child get the best experience out of this site. You will find practicsl and easy to follow advice on pacing, sensory adjustments, and tips to engage your child in a meaningful learning experience.